2024 Election 

Engaging the Leadership Lens for your Choice for President 

The Candidate's Vision for Our Country

Below, you will find access to each candidate's websites where they share their vision and policy agenda.  Additionally, I provide sources that will help you compare and contrast the candidates.

Note: Harris outright lies on her website, at her rallies, and in the recent ABC debate that Trump is using the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 as his agenda.  CNN and other sources have debunked this falsehood.  Trump created Agenda 47, the basis upon which he will govern if elected. That agenda can be found on his website, linked next to his picture on the left.

On September 30, 2024, Heritage Foundation Trustee Mickey Edwards endorses Kamala!  After all the false claims and fear-mongering coming from the Harris campaign that Trump is using the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 as his agenda, Kamala received an endorsement from one of its key trustees!  Follow this link to read the story.

Below are a couple of videos that provide expert commentary on the differences in what they propose                          through their visions and policy stances. 

The Border and Illegal Immigration

It is plain and straightforward: the Biden-Harris administration has had an open border policy that has exasperated an already tragic fentanyl crisis that has killed close to 300,000 Americans since 2021 and that has also released known criminals into the country through the Biden-Harris liberal catch-and-release policy.  Yet, according to former Border Patrol leadership, when Trump left office, the border was six to nine months away from being fully secure.  Below is more information that provides a clear view of this issue and sheds light on comments made by both campaigns

How the Border Guard Views Trump versus Biden/Harris

A 24-year veteran of Customs and Border Protection describes how the border changed during the Biden/Harris administration.  He says the Border Patrol has not seen a mess like this in its history and that Trump was the best border protection president in recent history.  Further, he notes that the border was six to nine months from being fully secured when Trump left the White House. However, the Biden/Harris administration undid all Trump had accomplished, leading to the most significant influx of illegal immigrants in our nation's history.

Why did the Republicans Kill the Biden/Harris Border Bill?

Kamala Harris keeps telling us the border issue could have been resolved with her border bill, but Trump and the Republicans killed it.  That is very misleading.  This video explains why the bill was dead on arrival.  For one, the bill had 118 Billion dollars of expenditure,. Yet, only 20 billion dollars were dedicated to border security, while the remaining 98 billion dollars was committed to foreign aid (aka Ukraine and Israel).  Thus, the Biden-Harris again is America SECOND.  In this video, Carl DeMaio notes four other reasons this bill would have done little to secure the border.

Could it be that the introduction of the bill, knowing it would not pass, was actually a political move by Biden/Harris?

Devastating September 2024 Immigration & Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) Report

On September 25, 2024, Kamala Harris visited the border for the first time as Vice President, which included her tenure as "Border Czar" for Joe Biden. That same day, I.C.E. Released some unsettling data. It reported that immigrants on the "Non-Detained Docket", or those caught and released into the interior of the United States according to the Biden/Harris policy, included, illegals with:

  • 13,099 murder convictions
  • 1845 with pending homicide charges
  • 15,811 sexual assault convictions
  • 4250 with pending sexual assault charges

 This does not include others convicted or pending trial on other types of charges, as well as the estimated 2 million illegal immigrants who crossed the border without being caught.

The Heart of Donald Trump

Donald Trump sparks a lot of controversy.  Many say he is no leader given the words that sometimes comes out of his mouth.  But if you take the time, you realize actions are more important and are better indicators of a man's character. His first 100 days as president were unprecedented and the country benefited from the results he generated.  Below are two videos, in his own words.  I get it, can you trust the words you hear?  Again, you have to look at the actual actions he takes and the results he produces.  Let that be the data you use to decide.   Below is his first inaugural speech that was among the best you will hear and the other video shares the basis of his stance as a leader.  

Fact Checking the Lies About Trump

Donald Trump has a flamboyant personality and says what is on his mind.  Many react adversely to his direct and, at times, shocking ways of communicating.  And yes, as with any politician, he has lied and tends to exaggerate.  But placing that aside, Trump has also been attacked unfairly as a racist, a fascist, and a threat to democracy.  Below are two videos that do a great job of dispelling some of the lies about him. In both cases, the videos share famous media uses of misquotes.  For example, the media has reported Trump said, "It will be a blood bath if I don't win," when Trump's quote in full context had to do with the impact on the auto industry if he does not win.  Again, these videos share the media misquotes and show Trump making the statement with full context.   Trump has a personality that many disdain and is not above reproach. That said, much of what the left and media says about him is just not true.

 This video was created by an African American Man that clearly shows Trump is not a racist. Further,  Trump's Mar-a-Lago were among the first in Palm Beach to open membership to people of color and Jewish individuals, breaking with discriminatory practices that were common in many private clubs in the area at the time. This move helped shift the exclusivity traditionally associated with Palm Beach social clubs and was seen as part of Trump’s broader business and personal strategy.

The January 6th Narrative In Question

January 6, 2020, was a dark day in our country.  Was it an insurrection, as Democratic leaders want us to believe?  If that were true, why has no one been charged or convicted of insurrection?  A bigger question is whether it could have been avoided.  And who was indeed responsible for the lack of security at the Capitol that day? 

An interview with the Chief of the Capitol Police on January 6th, one person who had the front-row seat for the J6 riot. However, the J6 committee did not call him to testify nor was he ever interviewed by mainstream media sources.  Given the narrative we have been fed, why would you not want the head of the Capitol Police sharing his line of fire view of that day?  What they did was blame the poor guy and fired him!

A video of Nancy Pelosi in her car admitting she was responsible for the breakdown in security at the capitol that day.

Newly released transcripts provided by the House Oversight Subcommittee reveal the Biden-Harris administration buried exculpatory evidence related to Trump's alleged "role" on January 6th. The video also shares direct quotes from General Mark Milley that prove he was in the room when President Trump asked for 10,000 National Guard Troops to guard the capitol days, made days before the January 6th protests, but that he ignored them.

The below shares testimony made to the J6 committee by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato, which corroborates that President Donald Trump did push to have 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital before that day.  Follow this link to the official testimony.

Other fact-checked news sources

Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources - follow this link to read a report from Reuters that reports that the FBI did not find there was a coordinated plot on January 6th, undermining claims of a planned insurrection.

EXPLAINER: Jan. 6 has been called an insurrection, so why has no one been charged with that crime? If January 6 was an insurrection then why has no one, including Trump, charged with that crime?

One's Record Matters!  Another Look at Kamala's.


In Her Own Words:

What Kamala Really Stands for Is a Big Question

Kamala has turned on a dime and moderated her far-left stances on policies since being nominated.  And absolutely, people have the right to change their minds on things.  However, her record shows her behaviors and actions were consistent with her former stances.  So can we trust she is telling us the truth, or is she just trying to make people feel more comfortable voting for her?  The question is are you willing to risk this, given how extreme she's been and the big challenges we face as a nation?

Kamala's Record as Attorney General of California was unsavory.

During the 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Debates, Tulsi Gabbard brought up Kamala's record as Attorney General in California and gave insights into her policies that hurt individual rights. This takedown was fact-checked as accurate, and Kamala exited the race shortly after as her support plummeted. 

As Attorney General, Kamala arrested parents for their children's truancy.

This video shares the story of a mother who was arrested for her child missing school. Where was her kid?  In cancer treatment. But this mother was prosecuted for two years by Harris's office until she was finally vindicated.

Further along in this video, you see a gleeful Harris giving a speech, ecstatic over the power of her pen to strike fear in people.  Watching it sends chills up your spine.  Is this who we want in power?

Kamala wants to be able to enter your home without a search warrant to make sure you are safe with your guns!

In this video you will hear Kamala say “We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”   So much for your home is your castle, if she's elected!

Other Important Sources on Kamala's Record

Evidence that Kamala's tie-breaking votes as VP led to the inflation we are experiencing

As Vice President, Kamala has had the most tie-breaking votes of any VP in history.  The Wall Street Journal looked at the impact of those votes and say that they directly led to the inflation we are experiencing - here is that story link.   It is interesting Kamala promises to go after "price gougers", when she created the very environment that may have created them.  Additionally, at a time when inflation is still rising and our national debt is beyond anything we have ever experienced, can we afford such a lack of spending discipline? 

Kamala's rated the most left-leaning senator by GovTrak during her terms in the Senate

When Kamala was anointed the Democratic Nominee, GovTrak deleted her rating as the most liberal senator - to the left of Bernie Sanders.  While GovTrak took down their rating, and the media is backtracking, saying it was not true, the fact remains that she was rated the most far left-leaning by this non-partisan organization - here is the fact check.  It begs the question, why all of a sudden is she promising a more moderate agenda?  She has not distanced herself from Bidenomics, so can you really trust the new stance?

Make sure your voice is heard!