Our Team

David Craig Utts - Leadership Alchemist - Founder and Principle

I am a Leadership Alchemist, a Transformation Catalyst, a Master of Influence, a Speaker, and a Leadership Framework Innovator. With a rich career spanning over 40 years in human development, psychology, leadership development, and organizational change, and as a masterful leadership coach, I am dedicated to empowering leaders and executives to massively improve their impact as leaders.

Throughout my journey, I have helped leaders become more self-aware, focused, confident, and visionary. My mission is to assist my clients in inspiring greater innovation and efficiency by deepening trust and becoming masters of collaboration. A fun fact about me: I spent six transformative months studying Eastern philosophy and meditation in India and moved to Minnesota to marry the love of my life after living in Maryland for over 60 years.

As a Leadership Alchemist, I blend 25 years of expertise, innovative frameworks, and a unique capability to help my clients bring forward their most natural and influential expression of leadership to ensure they achieve outstanding results and inspire the best in those around them.

In my Leadership Blueprint. The Enlighted Leadership Method Applied (ELSA), I take a holistic and practical approach to help my clients develop leadership mastery. I firmly believe that how we do one thing is how we do everything. Business owners, leaders, executives, and visionaries partner with me to master the art and science of organizational transformation and leadership innovation.

I help executives quickly enhance their impact by clarifying the leadership landscape, leading to increased awareness, focus, confidence, and effectiveness. My role is to guide you on a customized leadership journey toward impactful growth, organizational alignment, purposeful innovation, and deep resilience. Here’s the bottom line: without intentional and strategic focus, followed by bold execution, nothing changes.

Finally, as a thought leader in neuro-executive development and a keynote speaker, I am a regular speaker on topics that focus on the Neuro-Reset approach to leadership development, catalyzing enlightened leadership, growing executive presence, strengthening influence, building cultures that attract and retain top talent, and helping organizations become 'trauma-informed.

Anatoly Yakorev - Creator of Neuro-Reset™, Ethics and Compliance Director

Anatoly is the creator of the Neuro-Reset process that instantly rewires the neural pathways of executives, supporting them to achieve their most coveted aims and inspire the highest performance from their teams. As Neural Reset is devoid of any stigma, unlike mental health services, it is poised to become a silver bullet approach for developing leaders in today's organizations.

Anatoly graduated from Military Defence Institute in 1990 as a Community Liaison Officer for Afghanistan and emigrated to Australia in 1997. He worked for Amoco and BP from 1991-2015 as an interpreter, language instructor, and cross-cultural trainer. 

In 2009, Anatoly entered the ethics, anti-corruption and compliance field and has become one of the leading thought leaders in the field.  He has been a member of the Society for Corporate Compliance & Ethics (SCCE) since 2011. His achievements in the field are numerous, including:

  • In 2011, he launched the 'Russian Energy Compliance Alliance' (RECA), which led to the creation of the B20 Collective Action Hub in Switzerland. 
  • In 2012, he launched the 'World Without Corruption International Alliance' in Brussels, supported by the world's leading universities and experts from both business and academia. 
  • In 2013, Anatoly founded the Center for Business Ethics & Compliance in Russia, representing Russian compliance outside Russia at major compliance events, publications, and research.
  • In 2015, he became a good governance expert for the Council of Europe to support projects for the Business Ombudsman Office in Russia.
  • Since 2016 Anatoly has been an Honorary Advisor to the Hong Kong Anti-corruption Institute (HKACI).
  • In 2020 was invited as Mentor to develop the Conscious Enterprise Network (CEN) to expand Business Ethics into the Conscious Leadership domain and establish a global network of conscious leaders.
  • In 2021 launched 'Transformative Business Ethics Initiative' thus effectively solving one of the Top dilemmas for empowering business leaders to embrace Ethical Leadership to support their ethics and compliance functions and the culture of compliance. 

Anatoly also Speaks Japanese, Swedish, and Polish and has trained in and taught martial arts for over 40 years.